Meet the Eduhero Team from Region 6 ESC!

Kaylene Blackburn
Title: Graphic Designer
Super Power: Task Prioritization
(Efficiently pinpoints key elements within projects to fuel creativity.)

Katherinne Blas
Title: Senior Graphic Designer
Super Power: Visual Manifestation
(Brings designs and ideas to life with a keen eye for aesthetics.)

Letty Clark
Title: Project Assistant
Super Power: Multi-Task Mastery
(Handles numerous issues simultaneously, managing each with equal precision.)

David Hernandez
Title: Graphic Designer
Super Power: Mimicry
(Ability to replicate others' power)

Keith Lienert
Title: Web Developer
Super Power: Full Stack Developer/Musician
(Builds technical yet creative dynamic systems while keeping a steady beat.)

Brandon Shoemaker
Title: Web Developer
Super Power: Voidsmith
(Shapes and reshapes the very being of Eduhero.)

Brandon Smith
Title: Customer Support Specialist
Super Power: Hyper-Communicator
(Understands and resolves customer needs with clarity and effectiveness.)

Erika Tijerina
Title: Component Director - Digital Learning and Design
Super Power: Reality Architect
(Defines the future of content, compliance, and innovation, building systems that support schools and elevate learning experiences.)