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Viewing: Awareness, Drug Abuse

Drugs & Alcohol Prevention for StaffDrugs & Alcohol Prevention for Staff
This program offers a deep understanding of various drugs, explores addiction causes and signs, and equips staff with effective strategies to combat this societal threat. It's a valuable resource for addressing...
Drugs & Alcohol Prevention for StudentsDrugs & Alcohol Prevention for Students
This course for students is meant to explore the many types of drugs available to teens and children, examine the actual causes and signs of addiction, and give ways to best combat this threat.
Narcan in SchoolsNarcan in Schools
This course will give you an overview of the rising use of opioids—particularly fentanyl—among youths. As well as information on how Narcan, an emergency anti-opioid treatment, can save a student’s life.
Steroids in SchoolsSteroids in Schools
This course will explore the prevalence of steroid use in schools, the dangers associated with steroid use, and the impact of steroid use on athletic performance. By taking this course, you will better underst...