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Viewing: Student Courses

Concussion Awareness for TeensConcussion Awareness for Teens
This course is for athletes and students to acquire the facts about concussions and the severity of this injury. As students, you will learn how to recognize symptoms and the importance of reporting concussions...
Digital Citizenship 6th - 8thDigital Citizenship 6th - 8th
In this course for students, we’re going to talk about protecting your identity on the web, how to recognize cyberbullying, define safe and affect searches, and identify ways to protect copyright.
Digital Citizenship for Teens 9-12Digital Citizenship for Teens 9-12
In this course for students, we’re going to talk about Proper searching, Privacy and Identity Theft, Copyright, and Cyberbullying.
Drugs & Alcohol Prevention for StudentsDrugs & Alcohol Prevention for Students
This course for students is meant to explore the many types of drugs available to teens and children, examine the actual causes and signs of addiction, and give ways to best combat this threat.
Internet Safety For TeensInternet Safety For Teens
It is important to know how to keep yourself and your friends safe while using the Internet. In this course we will discuss online predators, risky behaviors, cyberbullying, and more. Note: Some of the conten...
Teen Dating Violence for StudentsTeen Dating Violence for Students
Violence and abuse in teen relationships is a widespread problem. As a teen, you must learn the signs of dating violence, and how to protect yourself.