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Viewing: School Subjects, Science

Assessment StrategiesAssessment Strategies
This course is intended for all Texas K-12 teachers, especially those who are relatively new to teaching. Its goal is to enhance your understanding and use of strategies for assessing student learning.
Graphic OrganizersGraphic Organizers
In this session, you will learn about online graphic organizers that can be implemented into your curriculum as learning tools to help students better understand new material. Creating a strong visual picture, ...
GT STEM Inquiry using PhET SimulationsGT STEM Inquiry using PhET Simulations
Learn how to use and implement PhET Simulations in your GT and STEM classrooms.
GT: Energizing K-5 GT ScienceGT: Energizing K-5 GT Science
This course focuses on differentiation in your science classroom using different types of inquiry to challenge your GT students. 
K-12 Science SafetyK-12 Science Safety
This course is intended for science teachers in elementary, intermediate, junior high, and high schools. It focuses on the responsibilities you have as a science teacher for your own and your students’ safety...
OSHA - Seguridad Para Productos QuímicosOSHA - Seguridad Para Productos Químicos
(OSHA Chemical Safety) La OSHA requiere que todos los empleadores y distritos escolares proveen entrenamiento a sus empleados sobre la seguridad internacional para productos químicos. Este curso cumple todos l...
OSHA - The Right to UnderstandOSHA - The Right to Understand
As required by OSHA, employers and school districts must provide training for employees on the international standards for communicating chemical hazard information. This course meets the requirement and will h...