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Index > sort by date: January 2025

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Eduhero Notification - Seizure Awareness & Cybersecurity

We know it's a busy time of the year. But had a few important items to share. Moving forward, we are going to send notifications for important information. 

This email is to inform you that we are removing the Seizure Awareness course from Eduhero. During the 86th Legislative Session, this course was added as a requirement and must be TEA-Approved. The ONLY TEA approved course is provided by The Epilepsy Foundation and can be found here. It can be taken free of charge. We apologize for any inconvenience but want to avoid any confusion. 

Any user that has completed Seizure Awareness will keep their certificate and CPE credit. However, it will be removed from any Plan. Please let me know if there are any issues on your end.

In addition to this change, we have great news. We have added a DIR-Approved Cybersecurity for Educators course. It is included, at no additional cost, to our current Heroic Package subscribers. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help. Have a great day.

-The Eduhero Team
Cybersecurity Awareness for Educators
This DIR-approved course provides an overview of cybersecurity including the importance of data protection, the different types of threats, as well as the effects of unsecured data. 
Posted by Eduhero