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Now Available: Webinar Series

October 25th, 2013 2:58PM

We've got a big surprise... Eduhero is now offering a Webinar Series to all Heroic Subscribers! This gives our educators a chance to take their technology education even further from our talented professionals, Stormy Cullum and Emily Williamson, former and current Technology Integration Specialists at Region 6 Education Service Center. Each session will be close to an hour, crammed full of useful information, and give 1 CPE credit hour upon completion.

To kick start your learning this Webinar Series already has the following 5 courses:

This webisode series includes several courses in a webinar format. Subscribe now and learn many the tricks of the trade for educators needing to learn new technology!
Posted by Robyn C.

Eduhero Features: Course Player

October 11th, 2013 2:03PM

One of the key features that Eduhero offers educators is the new and improved Course Player. The design is user friendly and simple to enhance the user's experience to be even more enjoyable. This player navigates the user through the course as well as updates the user on their course progress. The image below is what the user will see when they enroll in a new course and is designed to help them understand the Course Player interface before beginning.


The player includes many familiar items such as Volume, Play/Pause, a Seekbar, Restart option, and Previous/Next buttons to skip to another slide. The blue bars at the top represent completed sections within the course. To the right of the blue progress bar you will see four icons, an icon to Open/Close the top panel, a Resources icon, the Hero Panel icon, and the Exit Course icon respectively. 

Section-Revisit.pngOnce a user has completed a section they have accessed the ability to go back and review the section within the Course Menu by clicking the blue progress bar, or the Open/Close icon. When clicked, the activities within the course that have been completed will be accessible on the screen to click and navigate to a previous section.

The Resources icon will open the resources that the user can visit or download to expand their knowledge further on the subject of the course. This tool can be especially useful for users who need to refer to policies in their classroom on a regular basis. Such as Bullying Management practices, Blood Borne Pathogens laws, and OSHA chemical safety policies. 

Screen+Shot+2013-09-25+at+2.12.49+PM.pngAn additional new feature that has been added to Eduhero is the Hero Panel. This panel brings a whole new social feature within Eduhero. The user receives knowledge points (KP) to level up and unlock more customization options within the site. These can be received by completing the course, making 100% on the course, as well as sharing your progress via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. This is a fun way for districts and campuses to compete against each other and just one more way that Eduhero makes learning FUN!

Screen+Shot+2013-10-11+at+9.04.42+AM.pngLastly, the Exit icon will direct the user to three options: leave Feedback, Restart the Course, or Exit the Course.
Posted by Robyn C.