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Updated Course - Understanding the IEP

September 10th, 2021 3:31PM

Updated Course - Understanding the IEP
Understanding the IEP
The goal of this course is to help the classroom teachers develop an understanding of Individualized Educational Programs - IEPs. During your teaching you will need to serve children with disabilities as a part of general education duties and Response to Intervention or RTI.
Eduhero has just released its latest update, Understanding the IEP. We listened to your feedback on the previous course. We hope you enjoy! Please let us know what you think of it.
Posted by Eduhero

New Course - English Learners

August 24th, 2021 11:04AM

New EL Course Out Today!
English Learners
This course will educate Texas School District educators and other school community members about English Learners (ELs); how they are identified as ELs; how school committees monitor, and how to support them through linguistically accommodated instruction. 
Eduhero has just released its latest course, English Learners - Requirements and Responsibilities. Districts on our annual survey requested this course. Remember, every course and feature in Eduhero is directly from district feedback. Enjoy the course, and let us know what you think!
Posted by Eduhero

cybersecurity awareness
The Eduhero Cybersecurity Awareness for Educators course has been approved by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR). The course was approved for the 2021-2022 school year and has been updated with the new requirements. It is available in both English and Spanish. Please clear your cache in order to see the new content. And remember that as we update courses, clearing cache will give you access to new content.
Posted by Eduhero

Spotlight - Ruby Payne Series

February 26th, 2021 3:31PM

Spotlight - Ruby Payne Series
Ruby Payne - A Framework for Understanding Poverty
Dr. Ruby Payne brings flagship work, A Framework for Understanding Poverty, to Eduhero. This three-part series will provide educators with the tools to improve their effectiveness in working with people from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

This series is available for competitive group pricing. Contact for more information. And feel free to take the first two objectives free!
Posted by Eduhero

Course Highlights - Cybersecurity Awareness for Educators
Cybersecurity Training is required for all Texas schools and requires approval from the Texas Department of Information Resources or DIR. Eduhero offers a DIR-Approved Cybersecurity Awareness Course in English and Spanish. All Heroic subscribers have access to these courses at no additional cost. However, they can be purchased as a standalone package or individually.
Posted by Eduhero